Remedies to Big Pores and Oily Skin

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel has skin cleansing properties that can seal facial pores. Gently rub the gel on your face for 5 minutes and leave it until it gets dries. Afterwards, wash your face with cool water. You can also add lemon juice to it, your choice.


Cut lemon wedges and put a little sugar on it. Rub it on your skin for a few minutes. Finally, rinse off with cold water.



And finally, we would like to recommend a daily regimen to keep your beautiful all shine-free and some don’ts to take note of too!


▪ Cleanse you face 2 times a day

▪ If your skin is oily, apply astringent after cleaning. Oil control paper should be kept handy at all times so you can quickly blot away the shine.

▪ Powder you T-Zone to soak up oil and lessen the oiliness and shine.

▪ Wash your face one a day and at night using lukewarm or warm water.  Hot water might dry your skin too much. After cleansing, use cool water as a final rinse and pat gently with a clean towel.


▪ Never go to bed with make-up on you face, as it prevents your skin from breathing, which leads to open pores.

▪ Do not consume a lot of fried and greasy food, as it stimulates the sebaceous gland to secrete excessive oil.